Deep within the heart of every man and woman is a longing to know the Creator. Each heart and soul yearns for meaning, purpose, and peace. C.S. Lewis called it a “God-shaped hole.” We try to fill it with many things, yet always come up short. Only our loving Creator can fill the void. What’s at the center of your life? Is it something temporal—or eternal? Please enjoy this short film: Produced, directed, and edited by Matthew Elton. Copyright © 2015 Cheryl Elton
We’ve seen the pictures . . . Jesus, the Good Shepherd, serenely walking along a lush green meadow carrying a young lamb, sheep leisurely following behind. Jesus, walking through crowds, people thronging to be near Him. Jesus . . . always calm, caring, in control. But did He ever get upset? Angry? Sad? Stressed? Yes! Gospel records show us Jesus got angry at injustice. He wept and grieved when His friend Lazarus died. He had to contend with the Pharisees, constantly berating Him for healing people on Sabbath, the “wrong” day of the week. The Son of God was a…
There’s no place like home. Home is where you hang your heart. Home is where our story begins. After spending a day in a bustling city, or being gone on a trip, I look forward to returning to the quiet of my home—the surroundings most reflective of who I am, and what I enjoy. Home is an oasis, a place where I step out of the world after a busy day, and am reminded of all I have to be thankful for. Jesus tells us in the world there will be trouble, but He has overcome the world to bring…
“We have a flat tire,” my husband R. said, as he carefully guided the family van onto the shoulder of the highway. We had just gotten onto the NY State Thruway when I heard an unmistakable POP, and seconds later a grating noise and THUD THUD THUD. It was Christmas morning and we were about sixty minutes in on our 2½ hour trip to my sister’s house. Awaiting us—if we got there—would be a delicious prime rib dinner and surely a delightful visit. As we all got out and surveyed the damage, thoughts quickly turned to the “what should we…
Why is it the busier we get, the less time we often devote to the one relationship that matters most—God? It’s a phenomenon I call the “pace paradox.” I recently read about studies which reveal that the pace of life worldwide is now 10% faster than it was twenty years ago. Consider this . . . Researchers for this “pace of life” project studied the correlation between time, money and walking in 32 major cities around the world. They clocked how long it took pedestrians to walk 60 feet. Singapore timed the fastest at 10.55 seconds, up 30% from two…