I woke to the steady rhythm of waves pounding on the shore, the unremitting rise and fall of the tide easing me out of the night’s slumber.
Outside my window, the beach where folks leisurely walked the night before now covered in water.
High tide.
Though powerful and dangerous, there’s something calming about the sight and sound of the ocean—the constancy of the waves’ ebb and flow relaxing, reassuring.
Here we see God’s majesty on full display, and gazing out at the endless sea, we become small.
Through summer’s warm sunny days, people gather here to enjoy the water, the sun, and the sand. Groups sit and talk, while sharing a picnic lunch. Kids at the water’s edge dig sand tunnels, letting waves fill them with water, while others build sand castles, only to have the breakers knock them down.
And surprisingly, during my days at the ocean I saw no one on the beach looking at their phones!
In a world filled with distraction and noise, people still flock here for solace. To be reminded that not everything need be scheduled, that there is a place where it’s okay to unplug and remember a simpler life.
To gain perspective on life and what’s important.
To observe God’s faithfulness through the wonder of nature . . .
Quiet walks along the shore, lying on the sand watching clouds roll by, reveling in the warmth of sunshine on my skin. This is where I long to stay. A place where time loses its urgency, and my to-do list doesn’t matter.
God speaks to us through the wonder of creation. Here I can praise His presence, perceive His love, and enjoy His peace . . .
Wherever you are, take time to appreciate God’s creation today.
Copyright © 2018 Cheryl Elton
“…and gazing out at the endless sea, we become small.” I know that feeling! Because many times I’ve been on Diamond Head Mountain, in Hawaii overlooking the Pacific Ocean, not to mention when I was in the Navy, being on a ship and not seeing land for weeks! Cheryl, there is a lot of water out there! And it does make you feel small, a humbling experience in a good way! “Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you.” James 4:10
I can only imagine what it’s like to see only water for weeks. You have experienced what few of us have, Tony. Humbling indeed! The awesomeness of God’s creation is limitless!