A feeling of finality came over me as I thumbed through, then closed my 2016 monthly planner. December 31. Another year ended . . . By the grace of God it had been a good year, despite some unexpected challenges and changes. He had seen us through. We are grateful. As I open my new 2017 calendar I pause to admire its clean pages. Each one an empty slate, soon to be filled in with day-to-day happenings, appointments, and special occasions. A new year brings hope. A sense of new beginnings. A time to redefine goals and sharpen our focus…
God’s Christmas Lights
Every December the street behind our local high school becomes a tourist attraction for young and old. Cars wait in line turning onto the street, people stop to take photos, and the oohs and aahs of delight can be heard—all in front of one house—the one known far and wide for its incredible display of Christmas lights. There’s one in every town, isn’t there? During the time of Christ’s birth there were no laser lights and inflatable reindeer, but rather, the most spectacular light display ever—“the glory of the Lord”—that shone round about a few modest shepherds who received word…
Practicing Gratitude: Praying Scripture
As we celebrate our national holiday of Thanksgiving, I’ve been coming across numerous articles about the countless benefits of cultivating an attitude of gratitude in our lives. According to Scripture, an unthankful heart displeases God. He exhorts us to always give thanks, and to be thankful in all circumstances. It’s through praise and thanksgiving that we enter His presence. A powerful way to build thanks and praise into our lives is to personalize scriptures and offer them to God as prayers and proclamations of our faith. The Psalms are great for this. They are beloved by so many because…
The Words To Live By
In every decision, plan, and purpose of life, we choose between two distinct ways to function—with or without God’s help. You see, God always wanted a family—we were created “in His image“. A family shares and communicates. How our Heavenly Father longs to speak with us! While most people in the world function by vision, God’s people are called to operate in a radically different way—by revelation. Let me explain . . . People devise plans: businesses and organizations craft mission and vision statements, mapping out what they’re about and where they are going. Individuals often set goals. In all…
Just For Fun: Tanner’s ABCs
Enjoy and be blessed as four-year-old Tanner from Texas reminds us in this short video of God’s goodness and presence!