Last week, while browsing books at the Montrose Christian Writers Conference, I discovered Break Out—a short easy read that did not disappoint. It’s the incredible story of Jed Lindstrom, who left behind the unfulfilling life of drugs and crime to ultimately become a bold evangelist. Today, as Founder and Director of Lets Go Ministry, he goes into what he calls “no go” places—places others do not want to go—to reach those mired in the distress of drug and alcohol addiction with the gospel of Christ. In his simple conversational style Jed shares his story, and how by age 13 he…
How to Find Contentment in Any Circumstance
Thursday evening the phone rang. “Is R. there?” “No,” I chuckled, “he’s in prison.” “What?” a startled voice replied. I always have fun with these calls—‘cause it’s true. On various Thursday nights my husband R. goes to a nearby correctional facility to teach a non-denominational Bible study. Later that evening R. excitedly told me of the wonderful fellowship the guys had that night, and how D.—an inmate with great musical talent—played guitar and led some vibrant singing. As the men’s voices rose in glorious praise to God, R. glanced out the open window to the courtyard below and caught two…
Training in Peacetime (Part 2): The Armor of God
When circumstances threaten to swallow us up with despair, will we be pulled under, or rise above? The answer lies largely in how we’ve been training. It’s the training in peacetime that prepares a soldier for when the battle rages. Does he stand in the front lines of combat without knowing how to use his weapons? Of course not! Why should we expect to be strong and prepared spiritually, if we haven’t been devoting time to “training”? Ephesians 6:12 gives us the crucial reminder that the “fight” we’re in is not person against person, but spiritual. Life is a spiritual…
Training in Peacetime (Part 1): 5 Boot Camp Basics
Perhaps you’ve seen the stickers, the magnets, the greeting cards: Life is good. Ever notice how easy it is to coast along—and even forget God—when things are going well . . . . . . when life is good ? Jesus came that we might have a more abundant life, yet He also warns us that in this world there will be trials. Unfortunately, it’s often when something big rocks our world—the unexpected crisis, the cancer diagnosis—that many people quickly cry out to God for help. Yet in the same verse, Jesus also tells us that in Him we can…
Listening Prayer
In a Reader’s Digest article recapping interviews of couples married 40, 50, or even 60 years, all said similarly that despite their shared history together, they were still changing, growing, and learning new things about each other. A big factor to their marriages’ longevity was developing good communication skills. Most happily married couples will tell you that they have learned to listen to their spouse—(not “agree” but “listen.”) Relationship is not a one-way monologue, but an ongoing shared dialogue. What about our relationship with the Creator of the universe? Learning to know Him and listening to hear His voice…