What brings God joy? He wants us to know joy—not circumstantial happiness, but the deep and unshakable joy He gives, rooted in an awareness of His presence. Joy that keeps us going in good times or bad, because we know who is ultimately in control. But what brings a smile to His face? The simple answer is us, His people. For the Lord delights in his people; he crowns the humble with victory. (Psalm 149:4) In Scripture, we’re often referred to as “sheep” (Psalm 100:3). Sheep require constant care to survive and thrive. If left alone they easily wander off…
How to Find Lasting Joy
He who bends to himself a Joy Does the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the Joy as it flies Lives in Eternity’s sunrise. William Blake, English poet (1757-1827) For centuries philosophers, poets, and other deep thinkers have written about joy—its fleeting and unpredictable nature, and how it’s often found in the little things. The Scriptures reveal joy as a deep-seated spiritual reality, grounded in an awareness of God in and around us. Joy extends beyond the reaches of happiness—the sense of pleasure that often comes and goes depending on circumstance. It’s a warm, sunny day: I’m happy. We’re…
Redefining Marriage in America: Yea or Nay?
On Tuesday, April 28, the Supreme Court of the United States begins hearing oral arguments for and against redefining marriage in America. Simply put, God’s design and institution of marriage as solely between one man and one woman is on trial. The American Family Association (AFA) says: As hard as it is to believe, nine people will decide if our nation will honor God and obey Him, or turn its back on the most fundamental building block of society and on God himself. It’s no coincidence that this week also marks America’s National Day of Repentance, leading up to the 64th…
Breaking the Grip of Distraction
Recently while driving on the interstate, I noticed the car behind me gently swerving over the lines as it drew closer. My rearview mirror revealed a woman putting on lipstick while driving. As I carefully maneuvered into the neighboring lane to let her pass, my mind turned to how quickly distracted driving can turn bad—even fatal. Distractions can also prove damaging to our relationship with God. I’ve grown to love the ease of reading the Bible in the mornings on my iPad. But if not attentive, I can quickly find myself reading emails, clicking on an article, or checking Facebook….
Praise: A Path to Victory
In any struggle we face, praise can provide a path to victory. When problems are viewed as opportunities to praise God and see Him go to work, amazing things can happen. Perhaps no record shows this greater than 2 Chronicles 20:1-26—the story of King Jehoshaphat, who encountered a big problem and praised his way to victory. Here’s a quick paraphrase of the story: A great multitude of the enemy was readying themselves for battle against the King and his people. With no obvious solution in sight, Jehoshaphat ordered everyone in Judah to begin fasting and coming together to seek the…