I woke to the steady rhythm of waves pounding on the shore, the unremitting rise and fall of the tide easing me out of the night’s slumber. Outside my window, the beach where folks leisurely walked the night before now covered in water. High tide. Though powerful and dangerous, there’s something calming about the sight and sound of the ocean—the constancy of the waves’ ebb and flow relaxing, reassuring. Here we see God’s majesty on full display, and gazing out at the endless sea, we become small. Through summer’s warm sunny days, people gather here to enjoy the water, the…
The Secret to Lasting Joy
A few days ago I lost my favorite watch. After stumbling through the day feeling like part of my arm was missing, that evening I found my watch. What joy! A few days later, however, remembering the lost watch incident, my joy was not as intense. After a week, the joy had completely faded away. Yet at that moment the watch was not lost again! So what happened here? Simply that what was now lost wasn’t again the watch, but the joy in finding it! Chinese Christian teacher Watchman Nee likens such an example to the Christian experience. He wrote…
Peace is a Person
On Sunday, my husband and I traveled 2 ½ hours to visit a quaint country church we know and love. The pastor there is one of the most peaceful people I know. As I’ve gotten to know him over the years, I’ve realized the deep and abiding calmness he carries comes from the personal relationship he keeps with the Lord Jesus Christ. When Jesus told us He was leaving us with peace—His peace—what did He mean? Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your…
Living in the Eternal Now
There’s nothing I enjoy more than being on the ice, figure skating. The freedom of movement, the cold air, gliding to music, I find invigorating. While skating, I am immersed in the moment, the rest of the day put on hold. Yet I didn’t always experience this pure enjoyment. For many years I took lessons in ice dancing. A group of us adults would take tests, working to move up the ranks of the sport. In my drive to excel, I sometimes deprived myself of enjoying the day’s practice—by focusing on my paucity of progress, or comparing myself to someone…
New Life, New Hope
Spring has sprung—except where I live. Here in northern New York we still have nearly a foot of snow on the ground, although moderating temperatures are bringing the drip drip drip of melting. Us locals know spring doesn’t really arrive for another month. Yet it will come! As the sun warms the earth and winter’s glory fades, it’s always amazing how plants in the yard that looked dead return to life. Tender shoots appear, soon to burst into lush green leaves and colorful flowers. Our lovely lilac bush, nearly buried by recent storms, appears dead and forgotten—but two months from now…