Several years ago I had the pleasure of meeting author Peter Lundell at a Christian writers’ conference. Since then I’ve been enjoying his monthly blog called Connections. With permission, I’m happy to share with you his latest post. I hope you find it as meaningful as I do.
Here’s a challenge: Don’t criticize anything or anyone for twenty-four hours.
If you think, What a dumb idea! You just lost it.
Start over.
When I first heard that and tried it years ago, I challenged myself to not criticize anyone for twenty-four hours. And I failed every day.
But I was making progress—-at least I was now aware. And I was surprised at how critical I was of others. Simply becoming aware of how critical I was made a huge impact on me.
I mentioned the challenge to others and was surprised at how many laughed at its impossibility. Then one day I got through twenty-four hours without criticizing anyone or anything. Wow!
A few days later I did it again.
I kept it up, and eventually it became normal to not criticize others and simply not make judgments. I’ll still call something what it is—but without criticism and simply as representing what Scripture says. It’s keeping myself out of the judgment seat that belongs only to God. The New Testament is full of verses that tell us to adhere to God’s righteousness and yet leave the judging to God.
This practice applies when you’re driving, reading the news, speaking about people who aren’t there with you—whatever. Let’s lose that critical attitude the way people want to lose weight.
I still have days when I catch myself criticizing, but at least I catch myself. And my wife says I’m a far more positive and less critical than I used to be. The choices we make will steer our lives.
It’s amazing how deciding to make a small, specific change—without excuses—can adjust your personal character. And it’s amazing how intentional and repeated practice can develop a new nature in that part of your character.
I find that when I choose not to criticize others, I don’t miss anything. Because there was never any value in it in the first place.
Would you take the challenge?
Amen! I’m in!
Yay! Me too. Blessings to you, Pat.
I’m taking the challenge! Thanks for this article!
Me too! Blessing to you, Katie!