Forty-five years ago this summer, man landed on the moon. What the media didn’t tell us on that historic occasion was that the first food eaten, and the first liquid poured on the moon were the communion elements of bread and wine. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin chose to commemorate the awe and wonder of the moon landing in a way he found personally meaningful—by partaking of Holy Communion. He later wrote about the experience for Guideposts magazine saying: “. . . Neil would give the signal to step down the ladder onto the powdery surface of the moon. Now was the moment…
Main Content
Do you long for a deeper richer
experience of God
and your Christian faith?

Many of us are tired of living a shallow, superficial faith, marked only by rare occurrences of hearing God’s voice. We long for a closer, more intimate walking-talking relationship with Him. We desire to be transformed by God’s power and love—and to hold His peace in our hearts, no matter the circumstance.
These themes of spiritual formation—of living in His presence—are at the heart of Cheryl Elton's writing. May you find inspiration, encouragement, and renewed hope in these pages.

Moments with the Master: Conforming to Christ in Daily Transformation
A 40-Day DevotionalEach day will bring fresh inspiration to see God working and experience the transformative power of Christ.
What People Are Saying
Dr. Paul D. Norcross
Kingdom Faith Ministries International
“Cheryl writes with a clarity matched with an ease and grace that makes each chapter a sweet adventure with God. Peace is not just a subject in this book, it is an impartation. Prepare for an increase!”
Debbie Geer
Founder & President, Hope For A Woman’s Heart Queensbury, NY
“Cheryl captures the essence of finding peace in Christ, and beautifully expresses the depth of relationship we can experience in Him. Pathway of Peace is the perfect book for anyone searching to understand more fully how to live a fulfilling life in Christ led by the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend this book because it offers hope to all who seek it.”
Rev. Suzanne Lacatena
Northway Christian Family Church,
Queensbury, NY
“When Cheryl speaks, the Word comes alive! She delivered a message on “Your Best State of Mind” to a room filled with women, many of whom were in need of hope for tomorrow. They left with their hearts strong and their minds filled with God’s powerful Word. She is sensitive to the climate in the room and speaks as the Holy Spirit directs!”
Chaplain Barbara Chimiak
Chaplain Fellowship Ministries
“Cheryl shares scriptural insights that will reignite your faith, and inspiring stories—including some of her own—of people living these truths. If you want to live in God’s peace above the stresses of a world gone wild, you’ll find this book a gift from God.”
Lauren Varney, M.D
On The Rock Wellness
“Cheryl came to close out my series on Christian Wellness and shared a powerful message on overcoming worry and finding peace, bringing everything back to Christ. Her passion, depth of insight, authenticity, and sensitivity to the leading of Holy Spirit highly qualify her as a speaker for any group seeking to grow in their relationship with Christ and move forward on the pathway to peace.”
Cheryl Elton
An award-winning author, accomplished freelance writer and ministry leader who came to Christ at age 14, Cheryl has always loved the fact that God reveals Himself primarily through words.
Longing to understand His will for her life, God began teaching her in a remarkable way.
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In His Presence

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Recent from BlogIn His Presence
His Presence – Our Present

Do you remember the joy in your heart when you first realized—you knew that you knew—that you had eternal life? I do. My testimony is nothing dramatic. I have no great story of deliverance from a life of addiction, loss, or sorrow. Yet somehow God knew I would seek Him and believe. That I, at age fourteen, would have the humility of heart to realize that I needed something or someone greater than myself to make it through this life. I was a freshman in high school when one of my close friends shared a Bible verse with me that…
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