A new year brings hope, a sense of fresh beginnings and better days. For many, it’s a time to set goals and sharpen our focus on what is truly important.
Enter the “SMART” acronym . . .
A well-known business model for setting goals and objectives says SMART goals are: S-specific; M-measurable; A-attainable; R-relevant; T-time-bound.
A lot has been written on these highly effective concepts, and they offer a practical measuring stick for success when making personal goals.
But let’s also consider Ephesians 6, which gives us the crucial reminder that at its core, all of life is spiritual.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (Ephesians 6:10, 12-13)
For those endeavoring to live a “God-first” life with spiritual goals front and center, I offer a complement to the original SMART model with this new version:
S-Spirit-led; M-meaningful; A-actionable; R-redeemable; T-timely.
When setting goals, let’s consider:
SPIRIT-LED: Are we seeking God’s wisdom in making our goals? Let’s be sure He is directing us to do what we do, so our lives can bring glory to Him.
MEANINGFUL: Will this goal help or hinder my spiritual growth? Is it significant to my life, my personal ministry, or the kind of person I want to become?
ACTIONABLE: Am I able to take action on this goal? How will I do so?
REDEEMABLE: Does the goal help me overcome poor habits I may have had in the past, and draw me closer to God?
TIMELY: Is this the right time for pursuing this goal?
As we enter a new year, let’s make sure we spend quality time with the Lord to gain His wisdom and direction in setting our goals—SMART goals that we can live out to His glory!
I love your SMART goals, Cheryl! We belong to Him, and our goals should definitely be Spirit-led.
May God bless you as He continues to lead and use you in this new year!
Abundant blessing to you in 2020, Mary!
Thanks for the reminder that no matter what we do, it’s all about God’s kingdom. Great way to start the new year with keeping God first in our lives. God bless!
Yes! May we spend more time in His presence in 2020. Blessings to you, Lois.