A new year brings hope, a sense of new beginnings and better days. For many, it’s a time to redefine goals and sharpen our focus on what is truly important.
As Christians, perhaps now more than ever we need to stay strong in the Lord.
Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. (Ephesians 6:10)
This verse begins a section of scripture—Ephesians 6:10-17—which gives us the crucial reminder that at its core, life is spiritual. We’re to “put on” the armor of God to ready ourselves for the spiritual battle at hand, and to be victors in this life through Christ.
The armor we’re told to put on is the:
- Belt of TRUTH
- Breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS
- Sandals of PEACE
- Shield of FAITH
- Helmet of SALVATION
- Sword of the Spirit—the WORD OF GOD
The armor of God is more than just a protective covering—it’s the very presence of Christ Himself. By putting on the armor of God, life becomes no longer about simply fulfilling our own desires, but allowing ourselves to be transformed into His likeness, so we may carry out His work in the world.
As the only offensive weapon on the list, the sword of the Spirit is significant.
From the original Greek, verse 17 reads: “the sword of the Spirit is the word (rhema) of Christ.”
A rhema (word) is a “speaking.” This certainly includes the written word of God. In the gospels we see Jesus, when confronted by the devil, bolding proclaiming “It is written . . .” as He quotes from the Old Testament.
Most notably for us today, a rhema is also a speaking by the Holy Spirit into our Spirit—a revelation word for a specific situation in the moment. The rhema of Christ must be wielded like a sword—spoken out and acted upon—to yield the results God desires.
God has given us this magnificent imagery of the armor so we might draw near to Him and experience His presence and power—thereby enabling us to be victorious in the spiritual battles of life.
The power of God is demonstrated by the rhema of Christ.
Perhaps our greatest goal for the new year should be to sharpen our swords—to spend more time in His presence, to learn to hear His voice as He speaks rhema words to us—and to proclaim His word, His power, and His love to the world around us greater than ever before.
I want to start the new year strong—strong in the Lord, equipped with the full armor of God—living day by day in His presence.
How about you?
“At its core, life is spiritual . . .” This statement seemed to pop off the screen. Thanks for these good reminders as we begin 2019. Blessings, Cheryl.
I agree, this section in Ephesians 6 is pretty thought-provoking, since we typically view things primarily by what we see, hear, smell, taste, or touch. God is reminding us to view life as He does, spiritually. Powerful indeed! Blessed New Year to you, Sarah!
Great post, Cheryl!
Let’s put on the armor of Christ every day this year. When people see us, let them experience Christ!
Powerfully written! No wonder that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every (rhema speaking) word that is proceeding out of the mouth of God!
Yes! Matthew 4:4 is another verse that gives us significant meaning when we understand the word “rhema.” Blessed New Year to you, Paul!
Hi Cheryl – now that is a nice post on how to start the new year! And what you shared about Eph. 6:10-17 and how in verse 17 it reads in the original Greek;”The sword of the Spirit is the word (Rhema) of Christ.” I never knew that “word” was Rhema! But it does make a lot of sense, just saying?
It sure adds a deeper level of meaning, doesn’t it? Blessed New Year to you, Tony!
Beautiful! There’s no better armor! Needed to be reminded of this! Thank you!
Blessed New Year to you, Katie!