Normal days are no longer normal. The world is caught up in a storm, the winds of change fiercely howling; while we’re swirling, swirling, unsure of when we might land. Bravely venturing out, we find empty shelves in familiar stores, businesses and restaurants closed, church services cancelled. The economy is in a tailspin, with nothing guaranteed but an uncertain future. Meanwhile, people remain sheltered in their homes, riding out the storm while gripping tightly onto all they thought they knew. Jesus warns us such trouble is inevitable: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have…
The Bible is not a book full of clever maxims, helpful suggestions, or do’s and don’ts—it is the book of LIFE! As such, its many principles and paradoxes challenge our human thinking: when we give, we receive; when we lose ourselves, we find ourselves; to be rich, we must become poor; exalting ourselves, we’ll be humbled, but humbling ourselves, we’ll be exalted. God longs to fill us and be part of all we do, all we are, and all we become, but His hands are tied if we’re hanging on to our human pride. When we think our ways are…
A new year brings hope, a sense of fresh beginnings and better days. For many, it’s a time to set goals and sharpen our focus on what is truly important. Enter the “SMART” acronym . . . A well-known business model for setting goals and objectives says SMART goals are: S-specific; M-measurable; A-attainable; R-relevant; T-time-bound. A lot has been written on these highly effective concepts, and they offer a practical measuring stick for success when making personal goals. But let’s also consider Ephesians 6, which gives us the crucial reminder that at its core, all of life is spiritual. Finally,…
At the college I attended, in addition to completing required courses in your major—mine being English—students also submitted a portfolio of their best work, which after the approval of an academic Board of professors qualified them for graduation. Tucked inside my portfolio, I still have an orange 3 x 5 card on which one of my professors wrote: A beautiful body of work—I’m proud of you and feel lucky to be one of your readers. . . . I hope you continue writing and try to start publishing. You have talent, and heart, and wonderful wit; and equally important, you…
When Jesus is central in our hearts; when He is our First Love; when He is leading us and we are following Him—then, and only then—we have unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ. When I am so in love with Jesus Christ, as a bride loves her husband, I enjoy sweet fellowship with others in the Body of Christ who are similarly love-struck. We may have differences in our understanding of Scripture, but when we look to Jesus, the Living Truth, we experience harmony with one another. We may have different ways of worshipping, but it is the…