“You’re not making me want to do this,” I uneasily laughed. The pre-op nurse stood before me reciting a litany of risks of surgery: from possible infection, to cardiac arrest . . . to death. For a split second, fear gripped my heart. This was elective surgery. Do I really want to go through with this? Let’s face it . . . surgery brings anxiety. The uncertainties, the unknowns, the disruption of routines, the fear of pain . . . The hidden things in our hearts that leave us teetering on the brink of fear often surface during this time….
George Müller is a true hero . . . May we all have the kind of simple trust in God his life depicted! Best known as a man of great faith and prayer—who talked to God about everything, and expected God to answer every prayer—his uncomplicated trust for every daily provision is inspiring. Müller’s greatest passion was to show with open proofs that God could be trusted with the practical matters of life. His life served as a testament that God hears and answers prayer. During his lifetime (1805-1898), George Müller cared for more than 10,000 orphans as the director…
Last week, during our Midwest travels, my husband and I took a day to enjoy a bike ride along a quiet rail trail in western Michigan. Scenic and flat, it was my kind of trail, and despite the cold weather made for a pleasant outing. We arrived in a small town called New Era, population 800. After lunch at the village diner where we were obviously “out-of-towners”, we wandered next door to check out a health food/coffee shop. While waiting for the owner to make hubby’s afternoon espresso, we noticed a sign on her wall: C.O.F.F.E.E. Christ Offers Forgiveness For…
A friend of ours was in trouble. A foolish mistake had cascaded into unexpected legal issues, turning his life upside down. The stress was nearly unbearable for him—its effects spilling over, changing, and challenging every area of his life. As he retained an attorney and the weeks, then months rolled by, he was gradually forced to adjust to an entirely different life path than familiar. My husband and I did our best to support him, counsel him, and pray for him, watching and waiting for things to resolve. Now, eighteen months later, this friend recently visited us. Things have vastly improved,…
In July 2013 I ventured solo to Philadelphia to attend my first-ever writers’ conference—The Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference. As I sat down the first day in my first workshop, the first person I spoke with was the woman sitting next to me, Sarah Lynn Phillips. We quickly discovered we both were working on books, and instantly hit if off. Since that time, we have cheered one another on to see each of our books not only reach publication, but also win awards! Penned Without Ink: Trusting God to Write Your Story is a book about trusting God, even when…