Autumn finds many of us removing dead plants from gardens and preparing homes and yards in anticipation of the coming winter months. Some plants require pruning—the process of removing dead branches and stubs—which promotes beneficial rest for the plant while allowing room for new growth next season. Pruning also deters pest infestation while supporting a plant’s natural shape and healthy growth. Recently I was reminded of the importance of personal “pruning”. On an episode of a weekly podcast I enjoy, one of the co-hosts shared his experience of a complete mental breakdown. It triggered the realization that he had taken…
Imagine yourself gathering with Jesus and His closest followers for dinner—not just any dinner, but the meal that will be their last before the Messiah is led away and crucified. That evening, Jesus’ final instructions to His disciples are recorded in John 14–16. He spells out what is coming: He will be leaving, but the Father will send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will teach all things to those who believe in Him. John 15 gives a beautiful illustration of how we are to bear fruit in our lives by abiding in Jesus Christ. It begins: “I am the…
Imagine yourself gathering with Jesus and His closest followers for dinner—not just any dinner, but the meal that will be their last before the Messiah is led away and crucified. That evening, Jesus’ final instructions to His disciples are recorded in John 14–16. He lays out what is coming: He will be leaving, but the Father will send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will teach all things to those who believe in Him. John 15 gives a beautiful illustration of how we are to bear fruit in our lives by abiding in Jesus Christ. It begins: “I am the…
One of the most exciting realities of the Christian life is that when we enter into relationship with God through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit begins a divine work to produce Christ’s character within us. In doing so, our whole outlook on life changes. His thoughts become our thoughts. His actions become our actions. His purposes become our own. We become more Christ-like. No longer living by the old sinful nature, we now live by the Spirit, and in doing so, we bear fruit. Fruit is mentioned many times in the Bible, both literally and figuratively. The concept of bearing…