The Bible is not a book full of clever maxims, helpful suggestions, or do’s and don’ts—it is the book of LIFE! As such, its many principles and paradoxes challenge our human thinking: when we give, we receive; when we lose ourselves, we find ourselves; to be rich, we must become poor; exalting ourselves, we’ll be humbled, but humbling ourselves, we’ll be exalted. God longs to fill us and be part of all we do, all we are, and all we become, but His hands are tied if we’re hanging on to our human pride. When we think our ways are…
This morning while reading a section on humility in The Imitation of Christ, an interesting question came to mind: If Jesus was physically here on earth today, would He be on Facebook? If so, would a typical post look like this? Jesus Christ Great day sharing a lunch with 5,000 people at Bethsaida. Would the Son of God have His phone in hand taking a selfie while walking across the water—to later post it on social media? Somehow I have a hard time picturing Jesus doing either of these things. Why? Because the life of Christ supremely embodied humility. His words and…