Normal days are no longer normal. The world is caught up in a storm, the winds of change fiercely howling; while we’re swirling, swirling, unsure of when we might land. Bravely venturing out, we find empty shelves in familiar stores, businesses and restaurants closed, church services cancelled. The economy is in a tailspin, with nothing guaranteed but an uncertain future. Meanwhile, people remain sheltered in their homes, riding out the storm while gripping tightly onto all they thought they knew. Jesus warns us such trouble is inevitable: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have…
The Bible is not a book full of clever maxims, helpful suggestions, or do’s and don’ts—it is the book of LIFE! As such, its many principles and paradoxes challenge our human thinking: when we give, we receive; when we lose ourselves, we find ourselves; to be rich, we must become poor; exalting ourselves, we’ll be humbled, but humbling ourselves, we’ll be exalted. God longs to fill us and be part of all we do, all we are, and all we become, but His hands are tied if we’re hanging on to our human pride. When we think our ways are…
Friday night I attended a special meeting at church for those who are grieving or have experienced loss around the holidays. With me was our good friend R., who recently lost his mother. It was a quiet, healing time for all. Some, like R., who lost a loved one this year, were deeply comforted by the love of God shared and simply being together. Others, like myself, had time to reflect on other kinds of losses we have experienced, and how God’s grace and goodness have carried us through. Jesus tells us that here on earth there will be sorrow,…
FIVE—FOUR—THREE—TWO— I’m teetering at the top of a 130’ vertical rock face high in the mountains of New Mexico, knees shaking, heart pounding, and after two false starts am expected to take that first courageous step at the count of –O-N-E—to begin my rappel down the cliff—face first! It’s an Australian rappel: a controlled descent, face first using ropes, off a vertical surface. Standing at the top, I wondered how I could even walk facing down a vertical cliff. Believe me, it goes against all natural instincts! Trusting to do what appeared impossible was huge, even with the assurance that…
Recently I’m hearing a lot of talk about how and what it looks like to live pleasing to God. In this quest, we often long to understand God’s will, or His plan for our life. Even those with years of faith-filled living, at times find themselves asking, “What does God want me to be doing?” Psalm 37 gives three simple directives, which when applied to daily living can help us find the answers we seek. Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires…