Spring has sprung—except where I live. Here in northern New York we still have nearly a foot of snow on the ground, although moderating temperatures are bringing the drip drip drip of melting. Us locals know spring doesn’t really arrive for another month. Yet it will come! As the sun warms the earth and winter’s glory fades, it’s always amazing how plants in the yard that looked dead return to life. Tender shoots appear, soon to burst into lush green leaves and colorful flowers. Our lovely lilac bush, nearly buried by recent storms, appears dead and forgotten—but two months from now…
George Müller talked to God about everything and expected God to answer every prayer. During his lifetime (1805-1898), Müller cared for more than 10,000 orphans as the director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England, and provided Christian education to over 120,000 children in the 117 schools he established. Yet despite these wonderful achievements and the many lives he touched, he is best known as a man of great faith and prayer. His uncomplicated trust in God for every daily provision continues to inspire people around the world today. Remarking on his prayer life, Müller once said: “The most…
A small group of us were still gathered after church when the news came—a dear brother in the Lord we had been praying for, died. A couple weeks earlier, the doctors had said the cancer was too widespread, too severe. “There is nothing else we can do.” But knowing God could, many people continued fervently in prayer. Yet . . . the miracle didn’t come. This latest blow hit on the heels of the shock from six days earlier—when the man’s wife unexpectedly passed away in her sleep at home. A heart attack, it was determined. Why?? We quickly reconvened…
Years ago I wanted to write a poem that portrays the heart and life of the man who is committed to and lives for God first. I have been blessed to know a number of men—including my husband, pastors, leaders, and friends through the years—that fit this description. This poem is dedicated to them, and to all the wonderful men who walk with God in their lives: The heart of a man of God stands sure, His mind held firm by knowing That God is with him moment by moment, His life is a continual showing Of God’s healing love,…
George Müller is a true hero . . . May we all have the kind of simple trust in God his life depicted! Best known as a man of great faith and prayer—who talked to God about everything, and expected God to answer every prayer—his uncomplicated trust for every daily provision is inspiring. Müller’s greatest passion was to show with open proofs that God could be trusted with the practical matters of life. His life served as a testament that God hears and answers prayer. During his lifetime (1805-1898), George Müller cared for more than 10,000 orphans as the director…