In every decision, plan, and purpose of life, we choose between two distinct ways to function—with or without God’s help. You see, God always wanted a family—we were created “in His image“. A family shares and communicates. How our Heavenly Father longs to speak with us! While most people in the world function by vision, God’s people are called to operate in a radically different way—by revelation. Let me explain . . . People devise plans: businesses and organizations craft mission and vision statements, mapping out what they’re about and where they are going. Individuals often set goals. In all…
In a Reader’s Digest article recapping interviews of couples married 40, 50, or even 60 years, all said similarly that despite their shared history together, they were still changing, growing, and learning new things about each other. A big factor to their marriages’ longevity was developing good communication skills. Most happily married couples will tell you that they have learned to listen to their spouse—(not “agree” but “listen.”) Relationship is not a one-way monologue, but an ongoing shared dialogue. What about our relationship with the Creator of the universe? Learning to know Him and listening to hear His voice…
Prepare with prayer . . . Though not a scriptural directive, this is one of my favorite expressions. Simple yet powerful. While many people turn to God only after all else fails, committing things in our lives to Him through prayer before they occur is powerful. Why? Because prayer turns our hearts to God, putting us in close communion with Him. It acknowledges His power, His ability to work in situations that are beyond our control. Doing so also affirms our humility toward God, which He rewards richly with His grace. “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the…
In 2014, Burger King ditched its 40-year-old slogan, “Have It Your Way” for the more personal “Be Your Way.” A BK management official noted in an interview that the former slogan focused only on the food purchase, while the new one is about connecting with a person’s greater lifestyle. In a world where we’ve been conditioned to have everything instantly—our way, right away—little room is left for what’s often the hardest part . . . waiting. Waiting in line, waiting for test results, waiting in traffic, waiting for an appointment, or a spouse . . . can make us restless,…
Spring signals new beginnings. As the sun warms the earth and winter’s glory fades, it’s always amazing how plants in the yard that looked dead return to life. Tender shoots appear, soon to burst into lush green leaves and colorful flowers. Easter heralds new beginnings also. The Old Testament book of Isaiah prophesies of the coming of Christ, comparing him to a tender plant, yet how his life would ultimately be despised and rejected: “My servant [Jesus Christ] grew up in the LORD’s presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or…