“We have a flat tire,” my husband R. said, as he carefully guided the family van onto the shoulder of the highway.
We had just gotten onto the NY State Thruway when I heard an unmistakable POP, and seconds later a grating noise and THUD THUD THUD.
It was Christmas morning and we were about sixty minutes in on our 2½ hour trip to my sister’s house. Awaiting us—if we got there—would be a delicious prime rib dinner and surely a delightful visit.
As we all got out and surveyed the damage, thoughts quickly turned to the “what should we do’s” and “what if’s”. Unfortunately, the flat was on the driver’s side, which made it all the more precarious to change the tire on the interstate with cars whizzing closely by.
What should we do, Lord? Please show us. We need your help.
Although we have a roadside assistance plan, we thought a call for help on Christmas would likely entail a long cold wait. So R. decided to tackle the flat with the help of sons D. and M. Thankfully, the van was well equipped with the proper tools, including a vehicle-in-distress road reflector.
I quietly prayed while the old tire was removed and the donut spare safely put in place. Meanwhile, a police car had pulled up down the road a bit to alert other drivers to move over.
Mission accomplished. Thank you, God.
Next rest area we pulled off to check the air pressure in the spare. In the exit lane we saw a man pulled over standing outside his car with a tire iron in hand, struggling with his front tire.
“Guess we’re not the only ones with a flat tire on Christmas day,” I said.
Should we go over, Lord?
R. said he would see if the man needed help. Minutes later, I watched as R., D., M., and this stranger wrestled with tools and tires, struggling to remove the old tire and replace it with the spare. Finally, there were smiles and handshakes and my men headed back to the van.
With joy on their faces they exclaimed, “It’s a good thing we stopped!” “He was in a rental car and didn’t have the right tools to do the job.” “He was on his way to the airport to catch a flight.” “He couldn’t thank us enough.”
Thank you, Father.
As we continued on our trip, I quietly thanked God for His provision for us, and for opening up the door to in turn help another, filling the day with an unexpected blessing. I prayed a blessing on this stranger and that he would safely make it to the airport in time.
How quickly our world changes when the unexpected happens—change that lasts at times just an hour, sometimes a day, or days, weeks—even years.
Yet one thing remains the same.
His presence.
As we trustfully lean on Him in all our circumstances, He not only gives us all we need, but we emerge changed—stronger—better equipped to in turn help another.
“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4
Praise God for His goodness in our lives—even when things don’t go as planned.
Copyright © 2014 Cheryl Elton
Hi Cheryl,
I am blessed by your postings here. God bless you and your family!
Christopher Mulapwa
Thank you, Christopher. Blessings to you and your family as well.
The more we spend time in His presence, the more at peace we are.
So true! And the more at peace we are the more we will hear His voice. Blessings, Carol!
Thanks for sharing. Great story. Happy 2015!
Blessed New Year to you, Rayma! Thanks.
Hi Cheryl, yes, it is wonderful the Glory of the Lord in our daily lives, so close, in all circumstances whether we are aware or not. May the Lord be as a wall of fire around you and Rich and the glory in the midst of you!
Thanks, Cheryl. Blessings to you in the New Year!
“How quickly our world changes when the unexpected happens . . . Yet one thing remains the same. His presence.”
Thanks, Cheryl, for offering your story – and the reminder of God’s wonderful presence.
Especially as we face a new year.
Thanks, Sarah. I know what you quoted is especially relevant to your family. I’ll put in a plug right here for Sarah’s upcoming book “Penned Without Ink: Trusting God to Write Your Story”. She shares a powerful true story of life-changing events that have impacted her family, yet God’s faithfulness and goodness shine through. We’ll be watching for the book in the new year!
Great story!
Thanks, Kristalyn. Blessings to you!
I so enjoy reading real life stories of ordinary people who realize the living God is with them daily, ready to help and give wisdom and comfort…for themselves as well as for others. God’s provision for that man was you! What a privilege living with Jesus!
Agreed! God is good. Thanks, Barb.
Jacking up the van with cars whizzing by 4 feet away at 70 mph was..well…unsettling, OK – it was downright scary. It was difficult not to think what would happen if one of them swerved and hit our son and I while we were crouched down wrestling to remove the tire. Then I pictured the Lord standing there between us and the traffic. I know that He is present with me through a “normal” day, so why not here in this situation? Realizing that He was right there on the pavement with me gave me the confidence to stop worrying about the danger.
Nice article!
Amen! Thanks.